Saturday, March 9, 2013

Assignment #1

Steuart Henderson Britt

Business and advertising is something that can't be separated. Advertising is a business and business need advertising. Both depends on each other. Based on the quote give, we can understood that without advertising any business would be a failure. What is the point on doing a business without giving awareness
about it to other people. This situation is equal as winking at a girl in the dark.

Even there is hundreds people around you but if it's in the dark, no one will know what you are doing except by yourself. Same goes to business. If you doing something that can change the world but you didn't advertise it, the world will never know and your business is nothing. A simple or small ads may change the business situation. Either they go down or success in what they are doing.

Advertising helps in selling all kinds of products and services. Doing business is not all about selling things but it's also about promoting your business to other people. Advertising give such a huge impact to the society in deciding which products or services that they want to use. Advertisement that can attract people at one glance is the most effective towards consumer. The design of the advertisement and the product placement also important in determine the success of the business.

Advertising is about awareness and effectiveness.


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